Articles sur : Démarrage


Creation Date: April 8, 2024

In TicketingHub, you can easily set up custom taxes and fees (booking, card, tip, etc.) for each product, event, ticket type, or extra.


A tax might be "VAT" at 20%.
A fee could be a booking fee you add as a percentage of the checkout value. This could be Nothing (where you absorb our 3% fees), 3% (just to cover our fees), or 6% (to generate extra revenue).

1. Dashboard > Click on Settings

2. Click on Advanced

3. Click on Edit Tax Lists

4. Click on Create New Tax List

5. Type in the name of your new tax list

6. Optional: Check the box to set it as your default tax list

7. Click on 'Create Tax List' to save changes

8. Click on 'Add New Tax'

At this step, you can decide how your charges will appear during the booking process, the percentage you wish to charge, whether fees are added cumulatively, if the Amount is already included in your price (like Taxes), or if it is visible in your reporting as VAT.

What the options mean
NomIl s'agit du nom tel qu'il est indiqué lors du processus de réservation.
MontantIl s'agit d'un pourcentage que vous souhaitez facturer
CumulatifCela signifie que les frais sont ajoutés de manière cumulative
InclusCela signifie que nous montrons juste le montant comme les taxes, qui est déjà inclus dans votre prix.
TVACliquez ici pour voir la TVA dans vos rapports

9. Name your tax list

10. Set the amount in percentage

11. Check the boxes you opt to enable

12. Click on 'Create Tax' to save

13. Now, choose a product to apply this tax list into

Access your list of products on the sidebar menu.

14. Click on Settings

15. Look for Product Details > Taxlist

16. Click on Update to save changes

Congratulations, you just completed the process! 🎉

Updated on: 09/04/2024

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