Connectez-vous pour obtenir votre guide via API
3 steps how to connect to GetYourGuide via API How to Connect Your TicketingHub Account with Get Your Guide via API This guide provides a step-by-step walkthrough on how you, as a TicketingHub supplier, can connect your account to Get Your Guide (GYG) using a direct API integration.Some readersPortail revendeur, lien d'affiliation, widget marque blanche
Make it easy for you and your resellers to manage their sales with TicketingHub. How to Setup Reseller Portal, Affiliate Link, and White-labeled Widget This guide will walk you through how TicketingHub allows you to engage with various partners such as bloggers with unique affiliate links, resellers with logins, or embedding your widget on a partner's website. The choice is yours!Few readersComment se connecter aux OTA's
"Steps to connect your TicketingHub Inventories with OTA's like Viator and TripXOXO First Step - Add Rates First, we are going to add the wholesale rate to your products. Add a reseller Rate Second Step - add Resellers Go to the Supplier Dashboard and add a new Resellers. Go to resellersFew readersRevendeurs et OTA
Working with Resellers: Various Approaches TicketingHub supports a wide array of methods when it comes to working with Resellers. This ranges from local hotels utilizing a login, to Online Travel Agencies (OTAs), resellers operating on commission or via a unique link, or through sites such as Groupon and Living Social. We also have API connectivity and currently integrate with platforms like Viator, Get Your Guide, and TripXOXO. Establishing API Connectivity: Step-by-step Guide To connFew readersChèques-cadeaux
Tous les revendeurs doivent vous remettre leurs bons à l'avance. Vous pouvez insister sur ce point. Téléchargement des bons d'achat Cliquez sur Pièces justificatives (barre de menu) Cliquez sur "Importer les pièces justificatives" (en haut à droite) Suivez les instructions et assurez-vous de sélectionner le bon revendeur et le bon tarif correspondant au type de bon. Collez tous les codes de bons en bas.Quelques lecteursCréation d'un Widget revendeur
Le widget est un petit javascript que vous ajoutez à votre site web pour avoir le widget de réservation TicketingHub sur votre site web. Options du widget Une fois que vous êtes sur la page de la chaîne, vous avez les paramètres sur votre gauche, le code à ajouter sur votre site web en haut et sous l'aperçu du widget. Code du widget Attribuez le widget à un revendeur (à la commission uniquement) Le rePeu de lecteursHOW TO CREATE A RESELLER
Creation Date: April 15, 2024 Explore our quick guide on how to set up a reseller on TicketingHub, which helps you expand your sales channels. Learn to establish reseller accounts, set up commissions, and manage their activities easily. Two Types of Resellers Resellers on Commission These resFew readersComment échanger un bon d'achat
Si le bon est expiré, vous pouvez aller sur la page de la commande et modifier la réservation. Vous pourrez alors modifier la date d'expiration.Quelques lecteursModifier un revendeur
How to change the reseller login details, update a reseller rate and mark the reseller invoices as paid. Once a reseller is created, you can change their access details by going to "Resellers" =selecting the reseller by Clicking on the "Reseller Reference". Click on Reseller reference Once you get to the reseller page, you can Reseller Page ( readersHow to Streamline Reseller Processes
Creation Date: December 31, 2024 Let’s talk about resellers—those fantastic partners who can also be a bit of a handful to manage. Sound familiar? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! This guide will walk you through everything you need to know to make the process smooth and stress-free, from setting up connections to tracking sales and commissions. No technical jargon or endless steps—just straightforward tips to keep things running smoothly. Ready to conquer reseller chaos and become the herFew readers